自從因老天爺召喚膝腿老化之後,咱對上高下斜視為苦事,故挑了一個最近溫哥華也不用太費力氣的郊野公園﹕Whytechiff Park 來舒筋活絡放輕鬆。
Whytechiff Park 位於西溫 Marine Drive 的西盡頭,公園佔地十五公頃,除有木桌椅、燒烤架等供一家大小於此野餐外,此地亦是潛水天堂及行山徑集中地。
早在十年前,這裏曾被規劃為 Salt Water Marine Protected Area (MPA),如今則因水清澈無污染,加上 Whyte Inlet 附近風平浪靜而吸引了潛水玩家。
在石山頂上,看到 Howe Sound 如立體迴環地懷抱著西溫的水濱灘岸,天空蔚藍,卻被大海神秘的寶石藍色搶去了鋒頭。迎風揚帆的舟楫才不管是否破壞了眼前畫意,嗖地一聲,把亮藍海面削出了長長白浪,那邊的快艇更是不甘寂寞,噗噗噗地逐浪競比爭先。這時,把心托付給了風和雲,萬慮全消,一片澄明。
未知是否北溫的中東鄉里特別多,故有不少中東超市或雜貨店,回程中彎到北溫的雜貨店Afra Bakery & Market (1521 Pemberto Ave., North Van., 604-987-7454) 買中東包及乳酪,但見店舖之後的烤麵包工場,把新鮮出爐的中東大麵包掛滿一牆。
咱對中東或東南亞的薄餅如 naan、pita、roti、flatbread 等都不懂分辦,只知有的是發酵有的是不發酵,希望高明有以教我。看到 naan 的發音,讓我想到年輕時的一次南疆之旅,市集中見到維吾爾老爹把他們的餅食 ﹕#,貼在大爐的壁上燒烤,情況和印式 tandoori 烤 naan 大為相似,考量到地域相近民族融和等等可能性,說不定兩者是同源一家兩生花。
買了一大塊 flatbread,小女兒用它來作了圍巾,我說倒不如多買一塊來作「水袖」;回家後 DIY 自作自受 hummus 配麵包,過家常日子,吃家常食物,幸福感滿滿。以下是我女兒給的 hummus 配方,鹹甜濃淡悉隨尊意。
Hummus recipe:
2 cans chickpeas (or about 4 cups of dried chickpeas)
1/4 cup tahini (sesame paste)
2 lemons for juice and zest
3-4 cloves garlic
olive oil
water (if you use the liquid from the chickpeas, you may get gassy!)
salt and pepper
optional: spices like smoked paprika, herbs, pine nuts, etc
Drain the canned chickpeas and rinse. If using dried chickpeas, soak overnight, boil until tender and rinse. Combine ingredients in blender. Depending on the size and quality of your blender, you may need to make it in a few batches. For each batch, make sure there is plenty of olive oil and some water so the blender can run smoothly. All the ingredients besides the chickpeas can be adjusted to taste. Finally, drizzle olive oil and salt and pepper on top of the finished product. Serve with flatbread. For a healthier option, try using your favorite veggies like carrots, cucumbers and beans.
Comments For This Post
you did not mention you were going to use that picture of us…
麗娟好,管它好不好,先按讚再說 !!
退休後的這些年,把中國大陸細細的從滿洲里 —西伯利亞鐵路入中國的東門,
「食囊」,ㄋㄤ 也是我喜歡吃的美食。